Stewed Quail with Chinese Wolfberry
quails, 250g/each
Ingredients: huaishan 50g , Chinese wolfberry 50g
Condiments: refined salt 10g gourmet powder 5g , chicken extract 2g , rice wine 2g
, ginger slice 2g , soup-stock 750g
- Kill the quails and wash them clean.Cut each into 4 pieces and scald the 12 pieces in
boiling water. Two minutes later, cool them down with cold water. Place them in a soup
bowl with a cover for use.
- Wash the huaishan and Chinese wolfberry clean and soak them for 15 minutes. Place them
on the quails together with the ginger slice.
- Heat the wok with soup-stock in it over moderate flame. Then add the salt, gourmet
powder, chicken extract and rice wine to the soup.
- Pour the boiling soup into the bowl and place the bowl in a steam tray which is over a
high heat. Pick out the ginger slice 20 minutes later and the process is over.
Features:The dish tastes light and delicious. It helps nourish the feminine
and kidney.